Zagreb Crafts

06 Jan

Make 2018 a year to remember

Autor ZagrebCrafts / Tagovi

We hope that the departing year has made all of your New Year’s wishes come true. Looking ahead, 2018 will undoubtedly abound with beautiful and remarkable events – the threads in the tapestry of life.

Although we like to think of births, weddings and anniversaries as momorable events, memories need to be renewed lest they be forgotten.

Reminiscing with friends is a special way of bringing a beautiful or embellished past to mind, but certain objects have a similar effect. The mere mention of Proust’s madeleine cookies is sufficient to convince us of that. Next, we introduce the hand-crafted items capable of storing the most precious moments of 2018 and quenching our thirst for nostalgia.

Diaries, memoirs and scrapbooks were created with the specific purpose of recording events of particular importance to the author. While a memoir implies awareness of its documentary value for the reader, family, or the public, the author of a diary relies on its content remaining inviolate until it ceases to be sensitive. The author’s honesty completely depends on it. A scrapbook allows our friends’ thoughts to intermingle with our own.

If you decide to record the greatest moments of 2018 in this way, the Bindery and printing house Klanac offers personalised journals emphasising remembrance. Do you own precious books you have inherited, a beloved inscription or dedication you would like to preserve? Contact them for restoration.

Due to its constancy, jewellery is ideal for marking once-in-a-lifetime occasions. Centuries of family history have been written down in scintillating jewels or the glitter of gold. If you were lucky enough to inherit such a sparkling trinket, contact the Jeweller Štef in Ilica 52 who will encase it in a medallion, ring or necklace of breathtaking beauty with utmost care.

If you are planning to create new memories with that special someone in your life, you will find the widest selection of engagement and wedding rings in the Koci gold jewelry store. You will never part from these symbols of love, just like your significant other. You can inscribe especially prized pieces with a dedication that will awaken a whirlwind of memories when read many years in the future.  Gold jewelry store Diamond specializes in engraving jewellery that you could not trust anyone else with.

A slim candle may be a more appropriate keepsake for other important occasions in 2018, such as a baptism, confirmation or the fulfilment of a vow. Their bright light symbolises life, and will fan the flames of memory at every anniversary. Find one that suits your taste at Vatovac Candles in Mlinovi 2. Finally, in case you prefer photographic memory, you can print photos of the year’s most precious moments on objects of your choice at Photo studio Topić in Ilica 12.

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